USAriadna - Sectorial Action Pack
380 g

USAriadna - Sectorial Action Pack

Infinity - Ariadna

Corvus Belli


9 figurines en métal à monter et à peindre.


The task of the Ariadnan colonists of American ancestry was to explore and colonize the territories to the East on the planet Dawn. Faced with a hostile planet and the bloody offensives of the Antipode aliens, the USAriadnans have managed to survive and to found a country based on American ideals and traditions..
This box includes 9 miniatures for the USArianda Sectorial Army of Ariadna: Three Grunts with Rifle, one Marauder with Heavy Flamethrower, one Devil Dog, one K-9 Antipode with AP CC Weapon, one Maverick with Boarding Shotgun, one Foxtrot with Rifle and one Minutemen with Light Flamethrower.
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