Splat 1: Perspectives on Play
Summoning Circle Press
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Splat 1: Perspectives on Play

Summoning Circle Press


Splat is a zine focused on role-playing games and what it means to play them. It includes contributions from 11 talented writers, each of whom are looking to redefine or challenge perspectives on play. Inside, you'll find advice on how to play games for an audience, and on how to resolve interpersonal conflicts at the table. You'll learn about how RPGs are used in therapy and in the classroom. And you'll hear thoughts from designers on agency, flow, and fun.

What's Inside
Meg Baker on how to relax and get back to the basic playfulness we all were born possessing
An interview with Jakob Jaskov on designing games for use in schools
Elizabeth and Jared Kilmer on navigating challenging conversations and interpersonal conflicts at the table
Kira Magrann on how to share space when roleplaying
Chris O'Neill on telling complete, compelling stories without the baggage of a "novel length” campaign
Angeli Pineda on what it means to play tabletop games for both yourself and an audience
Dr. Brian Carl Quinones on using games to teach social-emotional learning and skill development
Jay Treat on games, improv, flirting, and the nature of play.
Jabari Weathers on play as learning and agency in play
Matthew Gravelyn on how to design RPGs to maximize approachability for new players
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